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Georgia Flowers

Georgia Flowers - "Corvids"

Georgia Flowers - "Corvids"

Regular price £60.00
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Georgia Flowers is a Hove based artist printmaker who works mainly in the medium of linocut print. She is inspired by subjects around the themes of birds, nature, and architecture and likes to create bold, linear images through detailed mark making.

She graduated in a degree in Fine Art at Bath Spa University in 2008 and discovered linocutting in 2012 through working at a specialist printmaking supplies company and has since become a self taught linocut artist.

Her love of printmaking as a medium means that all of her prints are in limited editions. Each linocut print has been individually printed using a press in her home studio and each one will be slightly different to others in the edition due to the handmade process. Once she has finished printing an edition, she destroys the linoblock so that it can’t be used to print from again to emphasise the authenticity of the process. She uses oil based inks and delicate handmade Japanese paper to print onto which helps bring out the rich detail of the mark making on the linoblock.


420mm x 595mm - Print

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